Tessi x Doc Spinone Italiano puppy litter
Tessi x Doc Spinone Italiano puppy litter has arrived! 4 boys, 3 girls.
Both dogs have been extensively health tested for CA, eyes, hips, elbows, and genetics. They also have proven pups in the show ring and in the field. The list is full. If you would like more information regarding future puppy litters, submit a Spinone Italiano puppy application here.

Tessi is known for her unique ability to smile when greeting you. A real treat for anyone we meet anywhere we go!
CH Bellaebravo Tootsie Roll
- AKC Champion
- Prize 1 Natural Ability Test NAVHDA (North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association)
- Prize 2 Utility NAVHDA (North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association)
- Senior Hunter AKC Performance: 2 tests into her Senior Title
- 2015 SCOA National Specialty Best Puppy at sweepstakes
- Group 1 Black Swamp Gundog Puppy Match
Tessi exudes what a Spinone Italiano is all about. She is a social butterfly with a sweet temperament and a hunting natural in the field. She finished her show championship at 17 months. Tessi's natural ability in the field comes from both dam and sire being the first breeding of two Spinone Italiano NAVHDA Versatile Champions. Her hunt and field training is well under way. Tessi has achieved a Prize 1 in NAVHDA Natural Ability, Prize 2 in NAVHDA Utility, and is on her way to her AKC Senior Hunt title.
Sire CH Bella Campo Winter Jack's Frost. Dam CH Bella Margherita de Morghengo MH – NAVHDA VC. Spinone Italiano puppy litter sold by breeder Jason and Haley Wilkins.

GCHS CH Darby Canyon's Million Dollar Cowboy MH CGCA
- AKC Silver Grand Champion
- Top 25 Breed Points 2015-2019
- Top 10 Owner Handled Pts 2015-2019
- Multiple Regular Sporting Group Placements
- Multiple Owner Handler Group 1 Placements
- OH Reserve Best in Show 2018
- Parent Club Specialty Select Dog 2017 & 2018
- National Specialty Field Dog Winner 2018
- National Specialty Stud Dog Winner 2019
- National Specialty Gundog Sweeps Winner 2019
- AKC Master Hunter
- NAVHDA Natural Ability, Prize 1
- NAVHDA Utility Test, Prize 3
- National Specialty Field Legends Trophy 2019
- Certified by Therapy Dogs International 2017
- AKC Canine Good Citizen Advanced
For all of his ribbons and trophies, Doc excels best at just being a nice family member. His gentle temperament makes him an easy traveling companion. He’s content to lounge about the house, but when it’s time to hunt or show, it’s Game On! His puppies have also done well in both the field and show ring. The bottom line though, is temperament, temperament, temperament! Structurally sound, correct coated, family companions, who will work their hearts out for you in the field.
Sire GCHS CH Darby Canyon's Mick Jagger. Dam CH Elettra Del Subasio JH.